Civil War Round Table - 34 Star U.S. Flag 1861-1863

Civil War Round Table

Civil War Quiz - Confederate Navy Flag

Amateur & Professional Historians Dedicated to Understanding the Civil War

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Monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg
Monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg

About Us

The Indianapolis Civil War Round Table is a group of amateur and professional historians in Central Indiana dedicated to studying and understanding the 1861-1865 consflict between the North and South. We welcome anyone interested in the American Civil War to join the ICWRT. Annual dues are $30 for an individual, $35 for a family, or $15 for a student. The dues are used to defray production costs of our newsletter, Hardtack, and other programs. We invite you to attend a meeting as a guest and we feel that you will enjoy your visit and enlist. To enlist for the upcoming campaign, Click Here for a membership form

All Programs are Free & Open to the Public

This Month's Topic What: Indiana Generals in the Civil War
Who: Dr. Carl E. Kramer
When: Monday
March 10, 2025
6:45 P.M.
Where: MCL Cafeteria - Township Line
(2370 West 86th Street)
Based on his book Civil War Generals of Indiana, Dr. Carl Kramer highlights the lives of approximately 125 Hoosier Civil War generals of all ranks. It’s a demographic biography that explores origins, prewar occupations, wartime service, and postwar service. Hoosier generals were a diverse, highly mobile, and generally youthful lot, characteristics that reflected American society at large. A significant number were professional soldiers, but the majority had little or no military experience. As commanders, most acquitted themselves honorably, but were undistinguished, especially at higher commands, as exemplified by Don Carlos Buell and Ambrose E. Burnside.

Dr. Carl E. Kramer is founder and vice president of Kramer Associates, Inc., a Jeffersonville public history consulting firm, and taught at Indiana University Southeast for 35 years. He received his Ph.D. in American history from the University of Toledo in 1980. Dr. Kramer is the author of fourteen books, including “Civil War Generals of Indiana.” and has also authored scores of book chapters and articles published in peer-reviewed academic journals, trade publications, and popular magazines. Dr. Kramer has served on the board of directors of the Urban History Association, and the Publications Advisory Boards of the Register of the Kentucky Historical Society and the former Filson Historical Quarterly and on award juries for the Urban History Association, the Society for American City and Regional Planning History, the Filson Historical Society, and the Kentucky Historical Society. He is the former historian of the Indiana Planning Association and currently serves on the boards of directors of the Clark County Museum and the Louisville Historical League and on the Indiana Lewis and Clark Expedition Commission. Dr. Kramer His recent professional honors include the Indiana Historical Society’s Dorothy Riker Hoosier Historian Award in 2012, the Louisville Historical League’s Founders Award for 2018, and the Captain Donald T. Wright Award for Maritime Journalism, presented in 2019 by the Herman T. Pott National Inland Waterways Library in St. Louis. That award honors Kramer’s book Rivers of Time. He was honored in 2013 as a Sagamore of the Wabash, Indiana’s highest civilian award, by former Governor Michael Pence.

2024-2025 Program Schedule

September 9, 2024 Indiana University Contrinutions to the Civil War John Summerlot
October 14, 2024 Hoosiers at Gettysburg: The Story of Indiana & Her Sons in the Civil War's Greatest Battle Wayne Motts
November 11, 2024 Admiral David G. Farragut John Chalfin
December 9, 2024 Union General August Willich, 32nd IN Don Heitman
January 13, 2025 Civil War Show and Tell YOU!
February 10, 2025 Northern Prison Life Gerald Jones
March 10, 2025 Indiana Generals in the Civil War Carl Kramer
April 14, 2025 TBD TBD
May 12, 2025 Wilder's Lightning Brigade Scott Diezman
June 9, 2025 The Sultana Disaster Gene Eric Salecker

Enfield Rifle
Click here for a copy of the current Hardtack newsletter.

Click here for information on a book describing the first 50 years of the Indianapolis Civil War Round Table

Monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg
Close-up of the Monument
Note the High Casualties

U. S. Grant

The Indianapolis
Civil War Round Table

Robert E. Lee