Civil War Round Table - 34 Star U.S. Flag 1861-1863

Civil War Round Table

Civil War Quiz - Confederate Navy Flag

Amateur & Professional Historians Dedicated to Understanding the Civil War

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Monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg
Monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg

About Us

The Indianapolis Civil War Round Table is a group of amateur and professional historians in Central Indiana dedicated to studying and understanding the 1861-1865 consflict between the North and South. We welcome anyone interested in the American Civil War to join the ICWRT. Annual dues are $30 for an individual, $35 for a family, or $15 for a student. The dues are used to defray production costs of our newsletter, Hardtack, and other programs. We invite you to attend a meeting as a guest and we feel that you will enjoy your visit and enlist. To enlist for the upcoming campaign, Click Here for a membership form

All Programs are Free & Open to the Public

This Month's Topic What: The 19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Color Guard at the Battle of Gettysburg
Who: Phil Spaugy
When: Monday
June 10, 2024
6:45 P.M.
Where: MCL Cafeteria - Township Line
(2370 West 86th Street)
"Boys, we must hold our colors on this line or lie here under them!" - Colonel Samuel Williams, July 1, 1863

A resident of Vandalia, Ohio, Phil Spaugy owes his love of history to his grandmother, who taught in a one-room schoolhouse in Jackson Center, Ohio. His fascination with the American Civil War began at age seven, and he has been a collector since he was 16. Particularly interested in Federal infantry arms and accoutrements, Phil has been a member of the Union Guards, Company A, 19th Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry of the North-South Skirmish Association for the last 47 years. He has extensively studied the soldiers, battles, and campaigns of the Iron Brigade, with a particular interest in the actions of the color guard of the 19th at the battle of Gettysburg. Phil also did research for the Don Troiani print, “The Black Hats,” which depicts the gallant actions of Sergeant Major Asa Blanchard of the 19th Indiana at Gettysburg on the afternoon of July 1, 1863.

2023-2024 Program Schedule

September 11, 2023 A Campaign of Cat and Mouse: The Bristoe Station Campaign, October 9-19, 1863 Kevin Pawlak
October 9, 2023 Jackson at Cedar Mountain Greg Mertz
November 13, 2023 Harriet Beecher Stowe Dan Bauer
December 11, 2023 Infectious Diseases of the Civil War Steve Buxsen, Ph.D.
January 8, 2024 Civil War Show and Tell YOU!
February 12, 2024 Lincoln’s Views on Death Dr. Brian Direk
March 11, 2024 The Life & Legacy of Ulyesses Grant and the Women Who Molded the Man Chris Burns
April 8, 2024 General George G. Meade Kent Brown
May 13, 2024 But Not for My Children Scott Britton
June 10, 2024 19th Indiana & the Iron Brigade Phil Spaugy

Enfield Rifle
Click here for a copy of the current Hardtack newsletter.

Click here for information on a book describing the first 50 years of the Indianapolis Civil War Round Table

Monument to the 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg
Close-up of the Monument
Note the High Casualties

U. S. Grant

The Indianapolis
Civil War Round Table

Robert E. Lee