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Civil War Round Table
Newletter Archive

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Welocme to the Indianapolis Civil War Round Table Newletter Archive. This archive contains each of our newsletters since the 2001-2002 season.

2023 - 2024 Campaign
September 11 Professor Dennis R. Doyle Irish Brigade at Gettysburg  
October 9 Dr. James S. Pula The 11th Corps at Gettysburg  
November 13 Dan Bauer Harriet Beecher Stowe  
December 11 Steve Buxser Infectious Diseases of the Civil War  
January 8 You! Show and Tell  
February 12 Dr. Brian Dirck Lincoln’s Views on Death  
March 11 Chris Burns The Life & Legacy of Ulyesses Grant and the Women Who Molded the Man  
April 8 Kent Masterson Brown General George G. Meade  
May 13 Scott Britton But Not for My Children  
June 10 Phil Spaugy The 19th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Color Guard at the Battle of Gettysburg  

2022 - 2023 Campaign
September 12 Professor Dennis R. Doyle Irish Brigade at Gettysburg  
October 10 Dr. James S. Pula The 11th Corps at Gettysburg  
November 14 Steve T. Phan Civil War Defenses of Washington City  
December 12 Bill Ghormley & Andy O’Donnell Gettysburg Institute  
January 9 You Civil War Show and Tell  
February 13 Ray Boomhower Benjamin Harrison  
March 13 Dave Finney Custer Meets the Wolverines  
April 10 Gerald G. Jones Grierson’s Raid  
May 8 Jonathan Tracey The 27th Indiana  
Jun 12 Steve Jackson Gettysburg After 50 Years – The Great Reunion  

2021 - 2022 Campaign
September 13 Bill Ghormley 30 Days in the New South  
October 11 Dave Mowery Morgan’s Great Raid: Taking the War to the North  
November 8 Danny Russel Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address  
December 13 Tony Trimble Death Struggle in Missouri  
January 10 YOU! Civil War Show & Tell  
February 14 Michael Eisenhut The Iron Brigade at Gettysburg  
March 14 You!t Could the South Have Won?  
April 11 Steven R. Stotelmyer Too Useful to Sacrifice  
May 9 Gerald G. Jones Berdan’s Sharpshooters  
June 20 Karel Lea Biggs The Importance of Quinine in the Antebellum South and the Confederate Search for a Substitute  

2020 - 2021 Campaign
September 14 Gerald Jones The Battle of Fort Pillow  
October 12 Michael K. Shaffer In Memory of Self and Comrades  
November 9 Danny Russel Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address  
March 8 John C. Fazio The Confederate Secret Service and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln  
April 12 Peter S. Carmichael The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies  
May 10 Matt Penrod The Memorialization of Robert E. Lee  
June 14 Mike Beck and Bruce Kolb The G. A. R.  

2019 - 2020 Campaign
September 9 Paul Brueske The Last Siege: The Mobile Campaign, Alabama 1865  
October 14 Steve Williams Lambdin P. Milligan and the Fire in the Rear  
November 11 Mark Laubacher Weapons of Mass Destruction Considered during the Civil War  
December 9 Steve Magnusen To My Best Girl: Courage, Honor and Love in the Civil War, The Inspiring Life Stories of Rufus Dawes and Mary Gates  
January 13 Gregg Biggs The Question was One of Supplies: The Logistics for William T. Sherman's Atlanta Campaign  
February 10 David Fraley Colors and Color Bearers (U.S. & C.S.) on the 1864 Tennessee Campaign  
March 9 Kurt Vetters Freedom Spring and Confederate Winter  

2018 - 2019 Campaign
September 10 James S. Pula Chancellorsville and the Eleventh Corps  
October 8 Joseph Skvarenina Civil War in Hancock County  
November 12 John Summerlot We were there, on both sides: Indiana University in the Civil War  
December 10 Nikki Schofield Clara Barton  
January 14 James Fuller Oliver P. Morton and the Civil War in Indiana  
February 11 Steve Williams Lambdin P. Milligan & the Fire in the Rear  
March 11 Kraig McNutt Valor, Gallantry and Remembrance: The Medal of Honor, Taps, and Memorial Day  
April 8 Dave Finney The Battle of Franklin  
May 13 Gary Johnson Countering Mallory's Infernal Machines  
June 10 David Koehler Census in the Civil War  

2017 - 2018 Campaign
September 11 David Dixon The Lost Gettysburg Address: Charles Anderson's Civil War Odyssey  
October 9 Anthony J. Ziebol The Angel of Marye's Heights: The True Story of Richard Kirkland  
November 13 David Garshaw The American Civil War and Religion  
December 11 Michael B. Murphy The Kimberlins Go to War: A Union Family in Copperhead Country  
January 8 Stephen E. Towne Surveillance and Spies in the Civil War  
February 12 Fred Schaefer Indianapolis & the War of the Rebellion  
March 12 Jenny Thompson Above Us or Around Us: The Story & Men of the Bloody Eighth  
April 9 Mark Laubacher Cold Blooded Envenomations of 1861-65  
May 14 Meredith Wilson James Davy's Civil War Diary  
June 11 Jennifer M. Murray On A Great Battlefield: The History of Gettysburg National Military Park, 1863-2016  

2016 - 2017 Campaign
September 12 Peter Mullen Fire in the Water  
October 10 Charlie Aiken Who Was Private John Rooks? : Counties Named for Civil War Combat Deaths  
November 14 Robert Houghtalen The War Not Forgotten - Civil War Soldiers, Central State Hospital, and PTSD  
December 12 Lou Malcomb Maps, Mapping & Mapmakers of the Civil War: A Novice Explorer's Perspective  
January 9 Ray Boomhower Lew Wallace's Civil War Career  
February 13 Jim Floyd Paying for the Civil War: Taxes, Internal Revenue, and Enrolled Agents  
March 13 Gary Joiner Mr. Lincoln's Brown Water Navy: The Mississippi Squadron  
April 10 Connie Hansen A Visit with Jennie Wade's Mother  
May 8 Robert I. Girardi The Murder of Major General William "Bull" Nelson  
June 12 Thomas A. Bogar Backstage at the Lincoln Assassination: The Untold Story of the Actors and Stagehands at Ford's Theatre  

2015 - 2016 Campaign
September 14 Peter Mullen Civil War Feuds: A Family Tradition  
October 12 Steve Rolfe Alexander Gardner: Civil War Photographer & More  
November 9 David Moore William S. Rosecrans and the Union Victory  
December 14 Tony Roscetti Acoustic Shadows during the Civil War  
January 11 Dr. Tony Trimble The Irish Brigade at Antietam  
February 8 Alan Teller Abraham Lincoln's Boyhood Years  
March 14 Dave Sutherland The Battle of New Market  
April 11 Bruce Kolb The U.S.S. Constitution in the Civil War  
May 9 Brian Jordan Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War  
June 13 Shelby Harriel Forbidden, Hidden, and Forgotten: Women in the Ranks during the Civil War  

2014 - 2015 Campaign
September 11 Gerald G. Jones Northern Civil War Prison Camps  
October 9 Phillip Seyfrit Battle of Richmond, Kentucky  
November 10 Scott Schroeder The Dawn of the Political Cartoon: The Civil War Era  
December 8 Danny Russel Honest Abe  
January 12 Michael Weeks The Civil War Road Trip Series  
February 9 Brian Dirck Lincoln and the Constitution  
March 9 Fred Schaefer Civil War Medicine  
April 13 Ross Hudgins Maggie: The Civil War Journals of Margaret Nichol Vaulx  
May 14 Khabir Shareef Maj. Martin Delaney: Highest ranking black Civil War officer  
June 8 Edward H. Bonekemper, III Six Turning Points of the American Civil War  

2013 - 2014 Campaign
September 9 Jon Austin Embalming in the Civil War  
October 14 James & Patience Barnes 500 Strong: Wabash College Students in the Civil War  
November 11 Kevin & Cindy Rushton The U.S. Christian Commission  
December 9 Dan Moll Edmund Ruffin: Father of Modern Agriculture, Southern Secessionist and "Fire-eater"  
January 13 Dennis Haskett Sutler Tokens  
February 10 Dave Sutherland VMI's Civil War Legacy  
March 10 Justin Ellison Sundered by Memory: The Confederate Flag, Black Confederates, and the Racialization of Civil War Memory  
April 14 Gail Stephens The Shadow of Shiloh: Major General Lew Wallace in the Civil War  
May 12 Dr. Fred Leickly The Battle of Cedar Creek, by Col. W. H. Polhamus  
June 9 Anita Morgan Liberal Provisions...Nothing...Action Which Comes Far Short: State and Local Government Attempts to Aid Soldiers' Families in Indiana  

2012 - 2013 Campaign
September 10 Donna Schmink Indiana Civil War Battle Flags  
October 8 Shannon Smith Bennett "An Irrepressible Conflict": Civil War Rioting in Cincinnati, 1862 Play Audio
November 12 Brent Abercrombie Camp Morton  
December 10 Kathi Coon Badertscher Civil War and Philanthropy  
January 14 Meredith Clark-Wiltz Unexpected Soldiers: Gender, Duty, and Women's Experiences in the Civil War  
February 11 Thomas Mason The Papers of Lew and Susan Wallace Play Audio
March 11 Bob Bain The Armies Gather: the recruitment, training, and first combat of an Indiana regiment Play Audio
April 8 Harry Bulkeley I Propose to Fight It Out: The Story of Ulysses S. Grant, a One Man Show Play Audio
May 13 Lee A. Peters The Battlefield Growth of Lew Wallace - a study in decision making - from Romney to Monocacy  
June 10 Larry Stuart Sacred Scars, Shadowed Ground: Images of the Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania County Civil War Battlefields  

2011 - 2012 Campaign
September 12 Jack Kaufman-McKivigan Frederick Douglass and the African American Participation in the Civil War  
October 10 Larry Paarlberg Lew Wallace  
November 14 Greg Biggs The Confederate Flags of 1861: From Secession to War  
December 12 Robert Bain The Regular Army on the Eve of the Civil War  
January 9 Jim Kaiser Steamships and the Civil War: The Role of Cornelius Vanderbilt, America's First Tycoon  
February 13 Mike beck The Merrill Rifle  
March 12 Phil DeHaven Four Civil War Personalities of Note from Randolph County, Indiana  
April 9 Kevin Stickels USS Cairo  
May 14 Jim Turley Confederates in Indiana - Indiana and the Union Respond  
June 11 John David Hoptak Battle of South Mountain Play Audio

2010 - 2011 Campaign
September 13 Nikki Schofield Writing Historical Fiction: Bondage and Freedom
October 11 David Fraley Battle of Franklin, Tennessee
November 8 Alisa Clapp-Itnyre Children's Books about the Civil War
December 13 Rev. Robert Miller Both Prayed to the Same God
January 10 Michael Willever The Battle of Perryville
February 14 Sam Mitrani Stumbling into Power: How the Confederacy Accidentally Created the World's First Centrally Planned Industrial Economy
March 14 Dan Mitchell The History of the GAR Badge
April 11 Gib Young Theodore Roosevelt and the Civil War
May 9 Mike F. Marsh History of the Gun:From the Hand Cannon to the Cartridge Gun of the Civil War
June 13 Howard Stouse The Trent Affair: Lincoln Dodged a Bullet

2009 - 2010 Campaign
September 14 Phil Eskew, M.D The Life and Career of Dr. Ephraim McDowell
October 12 Morris Penny Hood's Disobedience at Gettysburg
November 9 Dr. Tony Trimble Cades Cove: A Community at War
December 14 LTC Harold Knudsen Lt. Gen. James Longstreet: The Confederacy's Most Modern General
January 11 Dr. John J. Wernert The Affective Challenges of Abraham Lincoln
February 8 Caroline E. Janney If Not for the Ladies: Ladies' Memorial Associations and the Lost Cause
March 8 David S. Klinestiver Who Lost the "Lost Order"?
April 12 Nikki Schofield Mary Surratt - Guilty or Innocent?
May 10 Robert E. May Lincoln, Terrorism Abroad, and the Coming of the Civil War
June 14 Michael Willever A Dark and Bloody Ground: Sowing the Wind

2008 - 2009 Campaign
September 8 Gregg Clemmer Old Allegheny: The Life and Wars of General Ed Johnson
October 13 Craig L. Symonds Lincoln and his Admirals
November 10 Dr. Sharon MacDonald Andy Smith's Medal of Honor
December 15 Dr. Brian Dirck Lincoln's Career as a Lawyer
January 12 Bill J. Crane First Flag On The Summit - History Of The 15th Indiana Civil War Regiment
February 9 Gerald Jones The Fort Pillow Massacre
March 9 Dale Phillips First day of Chickamauga
April 13 Steve Towne 48th Indiana
May 11 Gary Q. Johnson CSS Hunley
June 8 Troy Harmon Thinking Bigger:Gettysburg in Space and Time

2007 - 2008 Campaign
September 10 Phil DeHaven The Battle of Glorieta Pass, New Mexico
October 8 Mrs. Adrian Willett Civil War Women of Kentucky
November 12 Mrs. Mary Mackey The Notorius Mrs. Winston
December 10 Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard How can the Constitution be Unconstitutional?
January 14 Tom Davis Civil War Burial at Crown Hill Cemetery
February 11 Jim Goecker Galvanized Yankees, The US Volunteers
March 10 Greg Biggs The Union Cavalry at the Battle of Shelbyville
April 14 Eric Jacobson For Cause and Country, The Affair at Springfield and the Battle of Franklin
May 12 Greg LaFantasie William C. Oates in War and Peace
June 9 Dr. Peter S. Carmichael Rising Above the slaughter of Fredicksburg

2006 - 2007 Campaign
September 11 Jane Schultz On Gender and Military Relief Work
October 9 Chris Amer The H.L. Hunley Project
November 13 Nikki Scofield Mrs. Frederick Douglass Remembers Her Famous Husband
December 11 Robert Vane Grant & Lincoln
January 8 Tony Trimble Cross Keys and Port Republic
February 12 Dr. Peter S. Carmichael Hoosier Soldiers at Fredericksburg
March 12 Ray Mulesky Thunder from a Clear Sky
April 9 Craig Symonds USS Monitor Center
May 14 Dave Klinestiver A New Look at Civil War Photography
June 11 Terry Winschel Joseph Johnston and the Fall of Vicksburg

2005 - 2006 Campaign
September 12 Gregg Biggs The Crack of Doom
October 10 Steve Hill Indiana's Naval Contribution
November 14 Jim Goecker Military Intelligence
December 6 Chandra Manning What the Cruel War Was over
January 9 Fred Shaefer Medical Treatment
February 13 Sadie Ritchie Following Stonewall
March 13 Mark Jaeger TBA
April 6 James Orr The Last 5 Years of R. E. Lee's Life
May 8 Gary Joiner Red River Campaign
June 12 Dick Listenberger Annual Dinner/Collector's Showcase

2004 - 2005 Campaign
September J. Lewis Battle of Stones River
October Pam Newhouse The Sultana Disaster
November Wesley Hanson Civil War Era Music
December Word Gordon D. Whitney Indiana's Jeff Davis (General)
December Pdf Gordon D. Whitney Indiana's Jeff Davis (General)
January Word Gerald Jones Berdan's Sharpshooters
February Word Richard Skidmore Black CW Soldiers
March Word Craig Dunn Indiana Regimental Photographs
March Html Craig Dunn Indiana Regimental Photographs
April Word Iver Bernstein Gangs of New York
May Word Mark Neely Lincoln and American Nationalism
June Word David Duncan Battlefield Preservation Update

2003 - 2004 Campaign
September 8 G. Biggs N. B. Forrest and Napoleonic Cavalry Tactics
October 13 S. Jackson Memories of Blue and Gray
November 10 P. Falci Life of General A. P. Hill
December 8 G. Jones Munfordville, the Forgotten Battle
January 12 N. Schofield Perils of Spying -- Belle Boyd
February 9 K. Knouf N. Collins and the Capture of the CSS Florida
March 8 M. Brinkman Civil War Telegraphy
April 12 R. McMurry A New Framework for Civil War History
May 10 J. Johnston Recovery & Restoration of the USS Monitor
June 14 L. Hunter On the Road Again with the 18th Indiana Infantry

2002 - 2003 Campaign
September 9 H. Hattaway Presidency of Jefferson Davis
October 14 S. Hill Federal Colors of the Civil War
November 11 N. Baxter The Fitz John Porter Court Martial
December 9 J. Jaeger Letters of Corporal Recorder, 72nd Indiana
January 13 S. Jackson My Boys in Blue
February 10 H. Madaus Unit Colors as Reflection of War Aims
March 10 . Eckerman Doctors, Hospitals, and Medical Care
April 14 J. Hall The Stand of the U. S. Army at Gettysburg
May 12 W. Selm Indiana State Soldiers & Sailors Monument

2001 - 2002 Campaign
September 10 N. Schofield The Confederate Secret Service in Canada
October 8 W. A. Anderson The 19th Michigan
November 12 D. Fraley The Battle for Franklin, TN
December 10 D. K. Phillips Benjamin Butler and the Occupation of New Orleans
January 14 D. Mitchell The Mississippi Marine Brigade
February 11 S. Jackson My Boys in Blue
March 11 R. Skidmore John Hunt Morgan: Then and Now
April 8 P. S. Carmichael Lee's Search for the Battle of Annihilation
May R. E. Beringer Varina Howell Davis

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